Linus Torvalds now announces that version 6.2 of the Linux kernel is now out. Linus Torvalds controls Linux development through his work at the Linux Foundation.
“Nothing unexpected happened last week, just some random minor solutions here and there, but nothing that really stood out”, writes Linus Torvalds and continues: “We had a few little things that Thorsten tracked down on the regression side, but I wasn’t going to add any last-minute patches that weren’t actively pushed by the maintainers, so they’ll show up to the stable version.”
In connection with the release of 6.2, work on 6.3 has also begun and Linus Torvalds writes that over 30 pull requests have already been received. “But in the meantime, please give some love to testing 6.2. It may not be a sexy LTS release like 6.1 was, but all the more mundane kernels need some test love too,” writes Linus Torvalds.